Friday, January 17, 2014

COBRA Alternatives

With the recent Health Care Reform changes and the addition of the Health Insurance Marketplace, former employees now have more choices than just electing COBRA to continue their health insurance benefits with their prior employer.  Former employees can elect to continue their benefits under COBRA and are responsible to pay for the full monthly premium cost of the benefit.  As some may know, COBRA premiums can be quite expensive and costly for an individual who may be in between positions.  With the addition of the Health Insurance Marketplace, individuals now have another option versus electing to continue their benefits through COBRA.

The Health Insurance Marketplace allows the individual to choose a health insurance plan that best suits his or her budget versus only having the employer option from which to choose.  The Marketplace offers a wide variety of health insurance plans from multiple carriers.  By having the freedom of choice, the individual can select a plan that best suits his or her coverage needs and is within his or her budget.  In addition, the employee may be eligible for a subsidy from the government to cover some of the costs of the plan. 

Employees may check out the options for the Health Insurance Marketplace here.  For employers with employees in different states, please check with the state the employee is located in to see if a state Health Insurance Marketplace has been established.  If not, please click here to be directed to the Federal Health Insurance Marketplace.

For more information on the Health Insurance Marketplace, please feel free to contact me at my office.  Thank you.