Wednesday, October 22, 2014

New laws provide employer guidelines to help victims of domestic violence

In September, the issue of domestic violence – and how employers should respond in such cases – exploded in the national media and into the public consciousness. 

On September 8, star running back Ray Rice was released by his employer, the Baltimore Ravens, and indefinitely suspended by the NFL  after a second video surfaced of his February assault on his then-fiancĂ©e (and now wife) Janay Rice. A few days later, Minnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peterson was deactivated by his team after being indicted for abusing his four year-old son.

Fortunately several states, including Massachusetts, are beginning to institute laws regarding how victims of domestic violence should be treated in the workplace, and are establishing guidelines for their recovery leave.

On August 8, 2014, Massachusetts Governor Deval Patrick passed “An Act Relative to Domestic Violence” (ARDV). The new law requires all employers who have over 50 employees to grant up to 15 days of leave per 12-month period to an employee who is a victim – or whose immediate family member is a victim – of domestic violence, stalking, kidnapping, or sexual assault.  The ARDV does not apply to the aggressor; it only applies to the victim of the attack.

The decision about whether the time away is a paid or unpaid leave is solely at the discretion of the employer. In addition, the employer can require the individual to use all other available forms of leave first.

An employee who requests a Domestic Violence Leave must use the leave time to focus on issues directly relating to the abuse. This includes activities such as seeking different housing, legal or law enforcement assistance, medical attention, or counseling. Under the ARDV, employers can require supporting documentation for an employee’s domestic violence leave request. Court documents, police reports, or medical documents are examples of sufficient supporting documentation.

If possible, the employee must provide his/her employer with appropriate notice of ARDV leave. There is an exception to this if the victim is facing immediate risks to his or her well-being. If this is the case, the victim, a family member, or a creditable medical professional has three business days to inform the employer that the time off was a result of domestic violence.

It is important to note that here in Massachusetts, employees who use the ARDV leave law are also legally covered under the state’s anti-retaliation law. They may not be terminated, receive reduced employment benefits, and may not be penalized for the leave time so long as the employee provides the supporting documentation of the domestic violence within 30 days of returning to work.

Once the employee returns to work, the individual is entitled to return to the same or comparable position within the company. In addition, the employer must keep all information about the employee’s domestic violence leave strictly confidential.

Employers are obliged to notify employees of their rights under the ARDV. An efficient way to do this is by sending a notice of the new law and its provisions to employees or by making revisions to the company’s leave policies.  If an employer suspects misuse of the Domestic Violence Leave, it is recommended that the company contact the state Attorney General’s office for further investigation.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The recent spread of the Ebola Virus from West Africa into the United States has raised health concerns considerably throughout the nation. It is imperative for employers and employees to take preventative steps and recognize the symptoms of the dangerous virus. To assist with this, Ipswich Bay Advisors has created a flyer for employers to use that will answer the basic questions its employees may have regarding the Ebola virus. The flyer also provides helpful information on the precautions each individual should take to ensure the safety of each individual and his or her family. Below please find a copy of the flyer we sent out to employers. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Ipswich Bay Advisors at (978)-777-6554.

The Ebola Virus

Ebola Defined

Ebola is an infectious disease that invades and attacks the body caused by the Ebola Virus.

Recognizing the Symptoms

There are several symptoms associated with Ebola with the most noticeable symptom being inexplicable bleeding or bruising. Other symptoms may include: a fever greater than 101.5 F, muscle pain, diarrhea, weakness, vomiting, severe headache, and abdominal pain. It typically takes between 2-21 days for symptoms to emerge after being exposed to Ebola. The Ebola virus is NOT an airborne disease and can only spread after symptoms begin. A blood test can be used to determine if an individual is infected with the virus.

Limiting Your Exposure Risk

Individuals working in the healthcare industry ultimately have the greatest threat for contracting the virus. These workers have the highest risk of contracting the disease because Ebola can be contracted by contact with the blood or bodily fluids of an infected person or by any objects the infected person may have come in contact with.

Infected animals can also transfer the virus so it is important to avoid contact with these animals. Animals such as bats, monkeys, and baboons have been known to carry the Ebola virus. Individuals should avoid consuming any meat products produced by these animals.

Individuals who have recently visited infected areas in West Africa such as Liberia are also at a high risk for contracting the virus. It is recommended that these individuals inform their physician immediately if they have traveled to these areas within the past month. In future trips, it is advised individuals avoid medical facilities where the Ebola virus is present.

The best prevention for Ebola is to avoid anything an infectious patient may have come in to contact with and maintain good personal hygiene.

Treating Ebola

Currently, there is no drug available to cure or treat the Ebola virus. Recovery from Ebola, while unlikely, is possible through the combination of a strong immune system and excellent medical care. As with many other diseases, early diagnosis and treatment greatly increases a patient’s chances for survival. It is imperative to seek immediate medical attention if you begin to show symptoms of the virus or if you believe you may have become infected with the virus.

For more information on Ebola, visit the Center of Disease Control’s website at