Thursday, October 3, 2013

Medicare Part D Credible Coverage

All employers who provide health insurance coverage to their employees must provide a notice of Credible Coverage to all Medicare eligible employees.  The notice is to inform these employees the prescription drug benefit that is provided through the company’s health insurance plan is equivalent to or superior to the Standard Medicare Part D plan.  If a company’s prescription drug plan does not meet the credible coverage requirements, employers must still provide a notice to the eligible employees stating their plan does not meet this minimum requirement.  Employers must provide each Medicare eligible employee with this notice once a year.  The notice must also be provided to the dependents of the eligible Medicare employee.  The Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has provided employers with a template notice to use as guidance when generating these notices.  Please click here to view the sample notice provided by the Centers of Medicare & Medicaid Services for credible coverage.  If your company’s prescription drug benefit does not meet the minimum credible coverage, please click here for the Non-Credible Coverage Model Notice.

The last requirement employers are responsible for is to complete an online questionnaire provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services.  This questionnaire will inform CMS if your company’s prescription drug benefit is credible or non-credible.  Employers should complete the online questionnaire roughly 60 days before their health insurance plan renews or is effective.  The questionnaire should also be completed if the plan is terminated or if there is any status change.  For these situations, the questionnaire should be completed in 30 days after the termination or status change.  Please click here to view the questionnaire employers are required to complete.

For more information regarding the distribution & completion of the Medicare Part D Credible Coverage Notice, please contact our office.

Thank you.